
Car Accident statistics in 2021-2023 Clearwater FL

Car accident victims are not mere statistics. Tragically, names and faces are associated with these numbers. However, the statistics are relevant in inspecting whether current legislation and safety regulations impact creating safer roads. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a car accident, please don’t hesitate to turn to the Clearwater car accident lawyers at Tragos, Sartes & Tragos for legal guidance.

The FLHSMV Crash Facts for 2021 shows that in Clearwater, FL, the total number of crashes was 16,464 resulting in 158 deaths and 9,428 injuries. The car accidents took a dip in 2022, with data on car accidents totaling 15,676, leaving 122 dead and 9,222 injured. For the first quarter of 2023, the number of crashes totaled 3,892, with 29 dead and 2,481 injuries.

Living with The Numbers

An overview of the number of car accidents recorded in Clearwater, FL, from 2021 to 2023 would give an impression of fewer incidents. However, what is alarming is that the percentage of injured people is rising. In 2021, 57% of those involved in car accidents sustained injuries. By 2022, the rate rose to 58.8%, and during the first quarter of 2023, 63.7% of those in car accidents suffered injuries.

The percentage of deaths resulting from car accidents is going down. During 2021, 0.96% of crashes resulted in death. This figure dipped to 0.78% in 2022 and went down to 0.75% in 2023.

Pedestrian Accident Statistics

When reviewing car accidents for 2021 to 2023, it is equally important to look at pedestrian crashes. For 2021, the total number of pedestrian crashes is 499, with 61 deaths and 387 injuries. In 2022, the total number recorded was 474, with 37 causing death and 396 injured. As of April 6, 2023, the FLHSMV recorded 142 pedestrian crashes resulting in 13 deaths and 125 injuries.

Accidents are inevitable. Even with all the safety measures and legislation put in place, there will always be car accidents. These statistics emphasize the need for people who have been hurt in car accidents to work with a Clearwater, FL, car accident lawyer to ensure that they get the compensation they deserve.

Why Are Car Accidents Happening in Clearwater, FL?

Most car accidents result from various driver errors and negligent acts, including:

  • Driving over the posted speed limit
  • Reckless driving
  • Tailgating
  • Aggressive driving
  • Disregarding stop signs, red lights, and traffic signals
  • Wrong-way driving
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while fatigued or drowsy
  • Drunk driving
  • Drugged driving

Some car accidents also result from vehicle defects and environmental factors, such as:

  • Poor weather conditions, including fog and rain
  • Obstructed view
  • Malfunctioning or lack of traffic signals and signs
  • Defective roads or roadway design

Talk to an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Clearwater, FL, Now

Are you a car accident statistic? You deserve to be properly compensated for the injuries and other damages you incurred because of another’s reckless actions. Find out more about your case in a free case review with our Clearwater, FL, car accident lawyer. Contact Tragos, Sartes & Tragos online or by phone at 727-441-9030.

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